Monday, March 10, 2008


Why do I love monday morning? Because I am old and need reading glasses to read anything that isn't written by Dr. Seuss. I'm at work, and they're on my desk at home. It's not that I cannot see entirely, I just will have a major headache by the end of the day. Today, I have to do billing reviews for February and the font on these sheets is like negative one million, ants on a page. I bring my old man glasses home on friday in case of the odd chance that I need to process information and create cognative thought over the weekend, then I leave them home on monday morning.

To top things off, I can see Jayme's work van at Adel's right now. He'd better be elbow deep in a freezer unit, and not eating the country favorite if he didn't call me.

9:00 and I need a walk already.

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