Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day 2008

Today is labor day, September 1, 2008. In 27 days it will be our anniversary! At work I keep track of my time in the "red book." It is a little red diary that sits on my desk and I use it to keep track of my daily tasks for billing purposes and to fill my time sheet. Each year when I get a new red book, I go to September 1st, and write the countdown. I also add another 30 day countdown that begins November 11th for Rach's birthday. So on the 28th we'll be married... I always get this wrong, not because I forget, but my basic math skills are pretty sad. Sept. 2008 minus Sept. 2002= 6 years. not 7 or 5, but 6. These 6 years have been amazing. I know that I have changed from the person that I was 6 years ago, but I think that alot of that is due to Rachel. My priorities have shifted quite a bit, but I am glad that I have been pulled in the direction that I am today. Time with my family and my friends are now the strong desire that I feel, where it was centered before on more selfish activities. I still enjoy surfing and playing music, but am content to stay home saturday morning and watch Dora with Max, or come to church with my family and sit together and worship. I am less inclined to go to Centerville on a saturday morning without a friend these days because, when I do, I find myself missing the fellowship. Who do you brag to when you get a good wave?

So it is Monday, Labor Day, and what am I doing? I am at work, while my family is at home. I need to run oil content samples for Mercer Fraser so they can continue paving on Tuesday. I don't really care if they continue paving, so why am I here/ Very, very long story.... I'm waiting for a can of PG 64-16 grade liquid asphalt to get to 300 deg f., then I can kick some butt. Asphalt testing is not my responsibility at SHN. My job is to manage people who test asphalt. I must say though, I'm getting pretty stinking good at running mix designs. While the oil heats up, I'm doing data entry.

9:45; 200 deg f.

10:20; 250 deg f.

About a year ago, I decided that I wanted to grab another rung on the SHN ladder, and join the world of middle managment. This summer I have spent alot of time questioning that decision. This year has been the perfect storm of variables that have made me a stranger in my own home. We have more work than we have ever taken on in history. I have 9 technicians that I am using every day, and the last three months have shown the highest billings that the lab has ever accrued. Although I have a pretty amazing crew of guys, you are only as strong as your weakest link, and I have a few missing links.

10:30; 255 deg f.

In all honesty, I guess that I care about my job. I can say that I don't, but the product that I put forth is a reflection of me. Just like Max is a reflection of my skills as a parent, yikes!! The problem that I am having is that I have people who don't care and are just here to collect a check. Do I fault them for this?

10:40; 255 deg f. close enough.

11:30; Now we're rocking, once things get hot it goes pretty easy. Doing my 16 minute calibration counts, forgot that I need to do my timesheet. Lets see if I can get out before 5:00.

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