- Some degree of talent, weither it be in an instrument or singing. Don't want to sould like a wounded rabbit.
- The ability to play an instrument would help with versatility.
- A good sense of public presence. Or in other words, the ability to communicate to a group.
So these are all great things to have, but not what the Lord requires. We are required to worship in Spirit and Truth, that's about it. So where does my list fall into this concept? Worshipping in Spirit. Starting by setting aside the distractions of man, and preparing my heart to recieve what the Lord has. Meditation on His word, and It's relevance to my life. Not aligning the Word to my life, but bringing my life in line with the Word. Worship in Truth. When I have sin, I must repent before I bring my offering. If I've got a problem with my Brother, take care of it first, then RUN to the Lord's table and celebrate His forgiveness.
If we are to follow the example layed out in Psalms of what Spirit and Truth really means I should worship in good and bad. When life was great for David, he shouted from the rooftops how Awesome was his God. Psalm 19 is a good example, and still ends with David asking the Lord to keep his heart pure. Now when he was hiding in some nasty cave, Psalm 22, David still acknowledges the glory of the Lord and His perfect will over David's life. Therefore worship as layed out in Psalms is not just a "Gee aren't things great!" moment, but an opportunity to remain focused on the Lord's provision when we're in that cave, and it's raining, and our "mighty men" think that we're nuts.
Can I worship in Spirit and Truth continually? Although I am sinful man, Christ's death has provided for me to aproach the mercy seat. Confess my sins, turn from my ways, and the Lord will restore the joy of my salvation. Even saying this is hard because I know that I'm a slouch. But,this, I believe, is the path for a truly effective worship leader. Now to pick a set list!
Isaiah 58:
Cry aloud, spare not; Lift up your voice like a trumpet; tell My people of their transgression, and the house of Jacob, their sins. Yet they seek Me daily and delight to know My ways, as a nation they did righteousness and did not forsake the ordinance of their God. They ask of Me the ordinances of justice ; they take delight in approaching God.
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