Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Good Ol' Days

I was digging in my desk and found some photos of when I wasn't an old man. Kinda fun to look back at those days when leaving for the Cove after work, sleeping on pavement at the end of an abandoned cul-de-sac, and surviving all weekend on fried food from the deli was a good thing. The best part of finding these pictures is that these were times that I spent with my closest friends. We're all very busy now a days, and don't see each other on a regular basis, but I still consider them my crew. Surfing without Robbie, Brian, Travioli, or Andy is not quite the same. Who do you brag to when you score a big bomber? Well, although it is few and far between, the time that I spend with the boys is always going to be good days.

Robbie and me doing our best to destroy our only means of transportation

Brian, Autumn, my sis' and me on a run to Monument to see who could get stuck first. I won.

Crescent City - South Beach

Suiting up for one of the most epic days ever at Centerville, long crispy lefts. It was so good that day that Kenny paddled out with a fever of 100 degrees! I've never seen anybody else sweat in 50 degree water.

Brian lining up to make the section at Deadmans - Shelter Cove

Me not making the section, should have gone left.

Here's to friends!

Friday, January 25, 2008

So What Does It Take?

After reading the manifesto of a worship leader at igrace.com, I am left wondering what does it take? If I'm questioning weither or not I have what it takes to effectively lead worship, do I know what it takes? The first things that come to mind would be:

  1. Some degree of talent, weither it be in an instrument or singing. Don't want to sould like a wounded rabbit.

  2. The ability to play an instrument would help with versatility.

  3. A good sense of public presence. Or in other words, the ability to communicate to a group.

So these are all great things to have, but not what the Lord requires. We are required to worship in Spirit and Truth, that's about it. So where does my list fall into this concept? Worshipping in Spirit. Starting by setting aside the distractions of man, and preparing my heart to recieve what the Lord has. Meditation on His word, and It's relevance to my life. Not aligning the Word to my life, but bringing my life in line with the Word. Worship in Truth. When I have sin, I must repent before I bring my offering. If I've got a problem with my Brother, take care of it first, then RUN to the Lord's table and celebrate His forgiveness.

If we are to follow the example layed out in Psalms of what Spirit and Truth really means I should worship in good and bad. When life was great for David, he shouted from the rooftops how Awesome was his God. Psalm 19 is a good example, and still ends with David asking the Lord to keep his heart pure. Now when he was hiding in some nasty cave, Psalm 22, David still acknowledges the glory of the Lord and His perfect will over David's life. Therefore worship as layed out in Psalms is not just a "Gee aren't things great!" moment, but an opportunity to remain focused on the Lord's provision when we're in that cave, and it's raining, and our "mighty men" think that we're nuts.

Can I worship in Spirit and Truth continually? Although I am sinful man, Christ's death has provided for me to aproach the mercy seat. Confess my sins, turn from my ways, and the Lord will restore the joy of my salvation. Even saying this is hard because I know that I'm a slouch. But,this, I believe, is the path for a truly effective worship leader. Now to pick a set list!

Isaiah 58:

Cry aloud, spare not; Lift up your voice like a trumpet; tell My people of their transgression, and the house of Jacob, their sins. Yet they seek Me daily and delight to know My ways, as a nation they did righteousness and did not forsake the ordinance of their God. They ask of Me the ordinances of justice ; they take delight in approaching God.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I am a Worship Leader?

I have been tossing around for quite some time weither or not I am a worship leader. Often times I can attribute the moodyness and self questioning in my life to seasons in Humboldt. The winter time here has alot of rain, my job is somewhat seasonal, and the sun rises and sets between 7:00 am and 5:00 pm. Most if my frustrations coe about in December, and can be attributed to this somewhat "seasonal depression" and I can just deal; pray that the Lord keeps me focused until spring when it's sunny, warm and offshore. This time of reflection in my life, I belive, is a genuine reflection season that the Lord has placed in my life to learn and grow. I have been involved inleading worship for years now. Since I gave my heart to the Lord at the start of my 20's, I have spent two good spells in two churches, then spent about a year searching for a new church.

I had felt at the time that I needed to start a break from leading worship, and the Lord has placed my family at Centerpointe. An awesome church, with an awesome pastor. There is an established worship director, and a great worship program. Trent (worship director) has become a very close friend of mine in the last year. He's a great worship leader, good guy to hang with, and, believe it or not, pretty wise. Just don't tell him I said that. Being at Centerpointe has given me the opportunity to take time to seek what the Lord calls us to be when he calls us to be worship leaders. What is worship? Thanksgiving for the Lord's provision, salvation, and blessings... Public declaration of our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ... An opportunity to be ministered to by His Holy Spirit, and time to edify the body of believers.

So what does all this mean? How do I (if I am called) lead the Lord's congregation in this act of obedience? Am I qualified? insert the yadda's here. The reason for publishing my ramblings on the web was inspired by these major quandries. I feel that one of the first things that I need as an effective part of the Lord's body is transparency, so if I am obedient to the Lord's call, step one is to begin to open up and share what the Lord has placed on my heart. Although blogging still has a certain degree of anonymity, it's a start, right?

Well here is the first of what I believe to be many rants on this subject. There is a website run by the "Reformed University Fellowship" called indelable grace that I hit very often. There is a vast array of really good music, in addition to forums, links and the like. Here is an article that I found encouraging in regards to my recent ramblings.

I'm still digesting most of what is offered in this artice, but thought it worth mentioning.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Baby Jack, January 8, 2008

Jack Henry Gonzales was born January 8, 2007 at 8:10 am. 19 inches long, 7 lbs, 2.8 oz and healthy as can be. Rachel did awesome, and has recovered quickly. I am amazed at the strength that my wife has, what a great mother she is, and how much she has blessed my life. Jack's cousin Eva was born two nights later at the same hospital. Max now has a new brother and cousin to contend with, but he's taking it rather well. These are just a few of the thousands of pictures that have been snapped in the las two weeks.

Jack and his new cousin Ava, not pictured is Max crying to the left.

Max's third birthday! He was more excited about showing off his birthday cake than he was about eating it!